Natalia Aprasyukhina
Natalia Aprasyukhina
PhD in Biology, Associate professor at the Department of Physical Training and Sports

Teaching activities

In 2004, she started her teaching carreer. In 2008, N. Aprasyukhina was awarded an academic rank of an Associate Professor. There are 4 master theses prepared under her supervision that were defended successfully.
In 1989-2006, Natalia Aprasyukhina worked as a senior and leading researcher at Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Hygiene.
Since September 2008, she has dealt with the organization of students’ research work. Natalia Aprasyukhina conducts Scientific Conferences for Students and prepares the students for them, supervises the students’ works for scientific publications and for the Student Research Paper Competition. Moreover, N. Aprasyukhina is the Head of the Section “Theory and Methodology of Physical Training”. There are 14 scientific papers prepared under her supervision for the Student Research Paper Competition. In 2012, the scientific paper of S. Vishnevskaya “The Influence of Physical Activity on Schoolchildren’s Health Condition” was honored with the title of a laureate.
Natalia Aprasyukhina is a member of a Faculty Board and the Chairman of Methodology Committee at the Faculty of Pedagogics and Sports.
Currently teaches the following disciplines:
  • Biochemistry;
  • Human Physiology;
  • Hygiene;
  • Exercise Physiology;
  • Anatomy and Physiology of a Toddler and Pre-school Children.

Scientific interests

  • Hygienic aspects of physical education

Author's profile of the scientist