Sergey Boslovyak
Sergey Boslovyak
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Accounting and Finance, Logistics and Management, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Electronics

Teaching activities

Currently teaches the following disciplines:
  • Economics of a Particular Field
  • Production Organization and Enterprise Management
  • Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Industry
  • Investment Management in Pipeline Transport
  • Project Financing

Teaches the following disciplines in English:
  • Financial Management
  • Investment Projecting
  • Project Financing

Scientific interests

His scientific interests are connected with business planning of investment projects, assessment of the economic efficiency of investments, justification of sources, forms and schemes of financing investment projects.
In 2016, he defended his PhD thesis in ‘Finance, Money Circulation and Credit’. He directs the scientific activities of undergraduates.
He took an active part in the implementation of the international technical assistance project ‘Improvement of Continuing Education in the Republic of Belarus’ (BELL).


Author of 1 monograph, more than 20 articles in scientific and technical journals. 
Among the selected publications: