Vladimir Pitolin
Vladimir Pitolin
PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor at the Department of Computing Systems and Networks, Associate Professor at the Department of Power Engineering and Electronics

Teaching activities

In 1973, Vladimir Pitolin graduated from Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia) specializing in “Ship Power Plants”. Before 1990, he worked as a supervisor of a research group at the JSC PO Sevmash in Severodvinsk. His name occurs three times in the Book of Honour of Lenin’s Order, of the Order of the October Revolution and of the Order of the Red Banner of Labour of Northern Machine-Building Enterprise (Sevmash); was also awarded a certificate of appreciation of the Science and Technology Association of the Shipping Industry named after A. N. Krylov.
Vladimir Pitolin successfully presented his PhD thesis in 1989 at St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University.
In 1990 – 2012, he was a Deputy Head of Thermal Automatics and Measurements Department – Head of the Department of Automated Process Control System of Novopolotsk (CHP). Since 1993, became a senior lecturer at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics at PSU (the Department of Computing Systems and Networks).
Since 2012, Vladimir has been an associate professor at the Department of Electricity Supply at PSU. Since 2014, he has been an associate professor at the Department of Energetics and Electronic Engineering (now the Department of Power Engineering and Electronics).
Currently teaches the following disciplines:
  • Computing Systems Architecture
  • Computer Architecture
  • Fundamentals of Computer-aided Design in Energetics
  • Automatic Control of Processes in Thermal and Gas Supply and Ventilation
  • Thermal Engineering
  • Heat and Power Processes and Installations
  • Electrical Circuits Theory
  • Automation of Heat and Power Processes
  • Energy Systems Modelling

Scientific interests

  • Computer Modelling of Complex Energy Facilities for their Technical and Economic Parameters Optimization
  • Modelling of Energy Processes in Axial Pumps to Reduce the Vibrations and Noise

Author's profile of the scientist


Vladimir Pitolin has 1 patent.


Vladimir Pitolin is the author of 7 publications.