Vladimir Zheleznyak
Vladimir Zheleznyak
Doctor of Science in Engineering, Professor, Head of the Department of Radio Electronics

Teaching activities

In 1958 Vladimir Zheleznyak graduated from O.S. Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunication. Afterwards, he entered postgraduate study program at «Kvant» Research Institute (Kiev) (former Kiev Research Institute of Radio and Electronics Engineering) in 1968. In 1970 Vladimir Zheleznyak defended his PhD thesis at the National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» (former Order of Lenin Kyiv Polytechnic Institute) having specialized in «radio system engineering and network devices».
Currently teaches the following disciplines:
  • Introduction to data protection (including Bases of intellectual property rights)
  • Students research work
  • Technical measures for data protection
  • Data protection hardware and software
  • Bases of information security.

Job positions

  • August, 1958 – December, 1959 – Engineer, Kaluga Oblast
  • December, 1959 – July, 1961 – Engineer, first branch of enterprise, Kaluga Oblast
  • July, 1961– December, 1961 – Senior Engineer, Kaluga Oblast
  • January, 1962 – October, 1963 – Senior Engineer, Kiev
  • October, 1963 – September, 1964 – Lead Engineer, Kiev
  • October, 1964 – August, 1965 – Lead Engineer and Branch Manager, Kiev
  • August, 1965 – October, 1966 – Laboratory Manager, Kiev
  • October, 1966 – January, 1970 – Laboratory Manager, Kiev Research Institute of Electro-Mechanical Instruments
  • January, 1970 – February, 1973 – Branch Manager, Kiev Research Institute of Electro-Mechanical Instruments
  • March, 1973 – January, 1987 – Special Study Laboratory Manager, Kiev Research Institute of Electro-Mechanical Instruments
  • February, 1987 – May, 1987 – Assistant Branch Manager, Broadcasting Radio Perception and Acoustics named after O.S. Popov, Saint Petersburg
  • May, 1987 – December, 1988 – Branch Manager, Broadcasting Radio Perception and Acoustics named after O.S. Popov, Saint Petersburg 
  • December, 1988 – March,1989 – Associate Laboratory Manager, Broadcasting Radio Perception and Acoustics named after O.S. Popov, Saint Petersburg
  • April, 1989 – March, 1992 – Laboratory Manager, Broadcasting Radio Perception and Acoustics named after O.S. Popov, Saint Petersburg
  • April, 1992 – February, 2007 – Director of State Unitary Enterprise «State Scientific Research and Development Enterprise «Informacoustics»
  • September, 2007 – now – Polotsk State University

Scientific interests

  • Technical data protection

Author's profile of the scientist

Research academies membership

  • Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Branch of International Politics and Security)
  • International Academy of Information Technologies, Russia
  • Arctic Academy of Sciences, Russia

Social esteem

  • Badge «Honoured Teacher»
  • Silver Medal of A.S Popov
  • Silver Medal of V.I Vernadsky
  • Medal «For Merit State Data Protection», 2nd class
  • «Competition winner» Badge, Ministry of Radio Technology (Soviet Union), «Honourary Radio Operator» Badge (USSR), «Honourary Radio Operator» Badge (Russian Federation).


Vladimir Zheleznyak has published over 332 articles in various scientific journals, also being the author of 3 textbooks. He received 46 inventor`s certificates and 37 patents.