Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk strives to create comfortable conditions for the education of its students. The main priority of a higher educational institution is the development of an educational environment where every student has equal access to information and technical resources.

Foreign Students of Polotsk University

Foreign Students of Polotsk University

Thanks to the efforts of the administration, staff and teachers, Polotsk University today provides affordable education for everyone.

International students gain thorough knowledge in general education and special disciplines, engage in research and social activities. The priority task of the university on the way to creating the most equal learning conditions for students from different countries is to support publishing activities. The university annually publishes textbooks in English, which helps foreign students to fully participate in the educational process.

Mukhamadali Sobirzhonov, student of the Faculty of Finance and Economics (Republic of Uzbekistan): ‘Since the beginning of studies, the university has been providing everything necessary for students from other countries. We are constantly involved in the life of the university. We have no shortage of educational literature in various languages. We have all the conditions for training that will allow us to become good specialists.’

Mukhamadali Sobirzhonov

Mukhamadali Sobirzhonov

Since 2015, university lecturers have been developing textbooks for foreign students, undergraduates and postgraduates of the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology and the Faculty of Civil Engineering, as well as for foreign students of the Preparatory Department and students of non-economic and technical specialties. These materials include both lecture courses and electronic teaching materials in two languages, which contain a complete set of necessary educational materials.

Nikolay Popok, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Technology and Equipment of Machine-building Industry: ‘The arrival of a large number of foreign students motivated the creation of new textbooks. At that time, Matara Mustofa (Lebanon), Nnadi Christian Chimezie (Congo), Sam-Ogban Ogenetega Pentecost (Nigeria), Byashimov Kuvvat Rovianovich (Turkmenistan), Muhammet Kaya (Turkey, 2018), Issa Abakar Ahmad Ilyass, Group 18-PTT (Republic of Chad), Fuseini Mohammed (Ghana), Nadmad Radik Khalil (Lebanon, 2019). Yannick Kabela (Congo), Albayrak Gurhan (Turkey) were studying.

Due to the active participation of the department's lecturers in international activities and the training of foreign students, more than five textbooks were prepared and published, each of which greatly facilitated the process of mastering the necessary material. As a result of multipolar interaction on educational projects with neighboring countries, the staff of the department prepared manuals on theoretical mechanics, engineering graphics, computer science and ion plasma processing, which are still used today. Our team of lecturers is always ready to teach students, undergraduates, and postgraduates in English.

Nikolay Popok

Nikolay Popok

Thanks to the textbooks in English, students can better understand and assimilate the educational material, what contributes to improved communication and mutual understanding between lecturers and international students. This leads to better education and optimization of the process of integration of foreign students into the educational environment of the university.

The Scientific Library of Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk is a significant support in the educational process of foreign students. It is also an indispensable information center for all students.

The fund of the scientific library is constantly replenished and updated. Thanks to the close cooperation with the lecturers of the departments, the library staff timely purchases relevant literature that is necessary for the education of foreign students.

Candolo Voltaire Okita, student of the Faculty of Information Technologies (Republic of the Congo): ‘Education at the university is in excellent conditions. The scientific library provides everything we need. At Polotsk University, I don't have to worry about not getting something. There is good technical equipment, polite staff in the library, who are always ready to help. The number of books in the library and providing access to e-books is very good and indispensable in learning.

To date, the fund has over 5,000 copies of books, including 2,000 in English, more than 600 in German, as well as in French, Polish, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and other languages. E-books are also popular among students. The library provides access to a variety of electronic library systems, content and thematic diversity ensure the availability of information even on highly specialized topics.

Foreign Students of Polotsk University

Foreign Students of Polotsk University

The Lan Electronic Library System is an electronic library of educational literature that provides access to textbooks, manuals, monographs, scientific journals and other electronic content on the website and in mobile applications. Registered users of ELS Lan can read books and magazines from anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection.

The Znanium Electronic Library System is an information resource that includes documents in various fields. Textbooks, textbooks, monographs, articles, dissertations and abstracts, collections of scientific papers, encyclopedias, reference books, legislative and regulatory documents, scientific periodicals are available in a single virtual space.

The University Library Online Electronic Library System is an electronic library that provides access to the most in-demand materials of educational and scientific literature in all branches of knowledge from leading Russian publishers. The resource contains textbooks, textbooks, monographs, periodicals, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, video and audio materials, illustrated publications on art, non-fiction literature, fiction. The catalog is systematically updated with new relevant literature and currently contains almost 100 thousand titles.

Azizbek Abdumannobov, student of the Faculty of Finance and Economics (Republic of Uzbekistan): ‘I have been in Belarus not so long ago. I am very grateful for the work that the lecturers and staff of the university are doing for us. I appreciate their willingness to help and provide everything necessary for training. As a student from another country, it is very important for me that libraries provide us with manuals in the languages available to us, and lecturers find an approach for our learning and overcoming the language barrier.’

Azizbek Abdumannobov

Azizbek Abdumannobov

Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk has a positive experience in creating an accessible learning environment that can attract students from all over the world.