Over the past few years, new jobs have popped up like mushrooms after the rain. However, can we be sure that they will always be considered secured jobs? It is much more important if a profession not only has deep historical roots, but also transforms itself these days, following all the trends of modern society. In this case, we speak about an accountant. For hundreds of years, the world has changed many times, but the specialists who are responsible for the financial framework are still in demand. No enterprise, organization or company in any industry can do without an accountant. This means that one who has mastered this profession will never be out of work.

Number addiction or brilliant accountant?

Salary accounting, accounting, debit-credit operations, and calculation of contributions to tax agencies – these are all areas of activities of an accountant. That seems to be a boring thing, and there is nothing special here. Believe us, that isn’t so. It is a real “Ender’s Game” which has its own strategies and tactics. When collecting documents and numbers, an accountant clearly understands his/her responsibilities. An accountant knows the answers to the following questions: how much tax will you pay? How do you plan cash receipts for upcoming payments? How to save money? And etc. Try to imagine what qualities you need to do all this.

Students in the field of Accounting, Analysis and Audit

An accountant job is both a diligent and creative thing. Accountants know that financial management ensures that there will be no problems with reporting deadlines. The creative component involves the ability to predict the future and see how today's actions will affect the financial position of the organization in the future, how to prevent negative consequences and make business deals.

Working as an accountant means constantly improving your professional skills and digital competences. The ability to adapt to new conditions of a changing world and digital skills are useful not only in the job itself. They will always come in handy in everyday life and will become good points in the resume.

PSU Students Know about IFRSs

To work as an account, you need a cool head and stable mind. It’s obvious. When working with regulations and figures most of the time, you should be able to stay calm and think clearly in a different situation. Moreover, you should must realize that you are financially responsible.

Accountants: who are they? The feature of this profession creates many stereotypes. Some people find them unsociable and control freaks. In fact, an accountant is a super hero. An accountant combines attentiveness, remarkable memory, self-control, patience, ability to cope with stress, accuracy and foresight. It seems that not everyone can combine all these features.

Apply for one specialty – get several jobs

Belarusian universities provide training in “Accounting, Analysis and Audit” for accounting professionals. After completing the course, graduates will get a qualification of an Economist and work as accountants, analysts, auditors and economists.

Graduates can work in any organization, because each of them needs people involved in financial affairs. One more benefit is good career opportunities.

Polotsk State University has been training specialists in accounting, analysis and audit at the Faculty of Finance and Economics for many years. Here students have a lot of opportunities to become real professionals that is in demand in labour market. Studying at PSU is:

  • deep knowledge in micro- and macroeconomics, mathematical analysis, accounting policy, accounting audit, statistics and other disciplines;

Students of the Faculty of Finance and Economics Speak to the Judge of Polotsk Court

  • the opportunity to attend lectures and seminars given by scientists recognized by the world scientific community;

 International Scientific Conference “Accounting, Audit, Analysis: Science and Studies Retrospective and Perspective”

  • the opportunity to participate in national and international conferences;

“2018 IFRSs” Contest

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It is well known where our graduates work: these are not only the enterprises of Polotsk and Novopolotsk. They are hired with great pleasure by the Big Four accounting firms: KPMG and Ernst & Young. PSU graduates have shown themselves to be competent and well-trained specialists!


Deputy General HR Manager Deloitte

If patience and attentiveness are about you, and also you are good with figures, then

the specialty “Accounting, Analysis and Audit” will be an excellent choice.


How Do I Enter Polotsk State University?


In case of any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Faculty for International Students
address: 29 Blokhin str., Novopolotsk, room 260
telephone: +375 (214) 50-57-62, +375 29 798-09-09
e-mail: ,


Anna Nanos
Photos: www.psu.by