Every year, all the lecturers and university staff gather together to participate in a sports festival “Winter Holidays” at PSU. The students don’t remain indifferent to the sports festival either and play mini-football and volleyball. This time, to see the winter off, they organized a sports holiday “Faster, Higher, Stronger”.

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The international students were divided in two teams: “Turkmenistan” and “Africa” and took part in the competition on February 20 of 2020.

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“Turkmenistan” sports team consisted of:

  • Nedirov Jepbar;
  • Toyberdiyev Perman;
  • Bayjanov Mekan;
  • Kuvvatov Nyyaz;
  • Shikhiyev Yusup;
  • Keriyev Resul.

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“Africa” sports team was represented by:

  • Tvakelevo Landu Mikhael;
  • Mpoyi Mardoche Tshiteya;
  • Baya Kaleb Tshiteya;
  • Metila Christian Munto;
  • Maviana Vianney Mbanzulu.

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The guys matched each other stride for stride and the winner was determined only in the last challenge: it was “Turkmenistan” team. All the participants were awarded diplomas and a tasty treat. Besides, many of them wished to have the competition with Belarusian students as well.

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Elena Konovalova
Photos: Polina Kosarevskaya