In 2017 lecturers at the Centre for foreign languages study of Polotsk State University attended American English Webinar Series 7, carried out by the Department of Education and Culture of the U.S. Embassy for English language teachers working around the world. This program has been conducted on the base of libraries and educational institutions for several years. PSU has its first successful experience of participating.

The academic staff of the Centre for foreign languages study

Such series of webinars consisted of 6 lectures and seminars held by experienced lecturers and methodologists from different educational institutions of the United States of America. The lectures covered three topics:

  • Media literacy;
  • Communicative grammar;
  • Business English and Entrepreneurship.

American teachers shared their methodological recommendations and development of classes. Our teachers got a unique opportunity to get to know about new concepts and theories in the field of teaching English, to communicate with lecturers and authors of different methods, to ask questions. At the end of the course our lecturers have got Certificates of Participation.

Our lecturers have got Certificates of Participation

Certificates of Participation

We hope that such events will become a good tradition because they promote the professional growth of the academic staff and broadening of intercultural relations.