In its broad sense, history is the science of the past. In fact, those who choose the specialty “History” not only restore and study the events of the past. To find the right explanation for these events and identify cause-effect relationship are more important for a student. It is not enough just to read manuals and someone else’s investigations. In addition to this, they use chronicles and artefacts, historical films and letters, statistical data and diaries.

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History students not only attend lectures but also participate in archaeological excavations and field ethnographic research, work with museum materials and carry out projects together with non-history students. Besides, our students don’t forget about doing research projects and participating in various conferences and competitions in Belarus and abroad.

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Being a history student allows one to get a qualification of a teacher as well. Students study Pedagogy, Psychology and Methods of Teaching History. Seniors undertake a teaching internship in school.

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At the end of the studies, we have a broad-minded specialist with deep knowledge. He understands social and political processes, knows how to think logically and quickly orients himself in a vast amount of information. It is therefore not surprising that graduates specializing in History are in demand in a wide variety of spheres.

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5 reasons to become a history student at PSU

  • A unique campus. History students study at the buildings of the former Polotsk Jesuit College founded in 1581. This place is full of rich history that is why studying here is becoming easier and more interesting.

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  • Teaching staff. The Department of History and Tourism comprises outstanding professionals. Among them are well-known archeologists, ethnographers, paleoanthropologists and local history specialists. They are excellent lecturers and just kind and sensitive people.

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  • Research training. History students undertake a great number of trainings such as archeological and ethnographical, archives and museums, pedagogical and pre-graduation ones. Since freshman year students can feel like archeologists. Moreover, participating in archaeological excavations in the most ancient city of Belarus is always interesting. What are worth only excavations on the territory of St. Euphrosyne Convent?

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  • Master studies. Polotsk State University offers a Master’s course in History of Belarus to those who want to continue their studies.

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  • Future perspectives. Graduates specializing in History have many employment opportunities. It is possible to work as a teacher at school or as a lecturer at university or to become a researcher. On the other hand, you can choose a completely different way, for example, to work in government agencies or even in military and security services


How Do I Enter Polotsk State University?

In case of any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Polotsk State University

Department of History and Tourism

address: 4 Streletsky str., Polotsk, room 102
telephone: +375 (214) 42-87-07


Faculty for International Students
address: 29 Blokhin str., Novopolotsk, room 260
telephone: +375 (214) 50-57-62, +375 29 798-09-09
e-mail: ,


Anna Nanos
Photos: Polina Kosarevskaya