On April 29, 2017 master classes of Chinese calligraphy and traditional tea ceremony were held at Polotsk State University. The event has been organized within the Cooperation Agreement with Belarusian National Technical University that provides the creation of Chinese language and culture learning centre at PSU.

PSU students are the participants of master classes

Before the master classes the students had an opportunity to watch the video presentation about close and long-term cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and People’s Republic of China. At the beginning of the event the director of Confucius Institute of Science and Technology of BNTU Liu Yuying taught students some phrases in Chinese for plunging into unusual Chinese culture.

Cooperation between People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Belarus

During the class students were divided into two groups: the first one was learning the peculiarities of Chinese calligraphy, the second one got acquainted with the secrets of tea ceremony.

The peculiarities of Chinese calligraphy

Secrets of the traditional tea ceremony

The Chinese calligraphy takes a worthy place in the field of traditional art of the country. The students of our university had a great chance to get acquainted with the meaning of hieroglyphs, their structure and elements; also primary components of Chinese writing – special paper, water, brushes and ink. During the master class the students were told about special techniques and rules of calligraphy.

Getting acquainted with the meaning of Chinese hieroglyphsв

Components of Chinese writing

Master class of Chinese calligraphy art

One more precious thing connected with rich Chinese culture is a famous tea ceremony that has been recreated at Polotsk State University. During the master class students watched a very interesting video about the peculiarities of traditional Chinese food, got acquainted with main stages of the tea ceremony and could enjoy the wonderful taste of the tea.

Master class of tea ceremony art