Every year, the number of students of the specialties “Design” and “Architecture” is growing. Young creative people enter these specialties to create new things and surprise others in the near future.

If you enjoy drawing, if you are ready to make people’s life beautiful, comfortable and change the world for the better, the Department of Architecture of Polotsk State University is waiting for you. There are two specialties at the department: "Architecture" and "Design (Object and Space)". But in order to decide between these two specialties, you need to read the article to the end and find out about the main similarities and differences between them.

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The common Department. The Department of Architecture at PSU carries out training of both architects and designers. There are common lecturers. Some subjects are also the same. The main campus of PSU in Novopolotsk is like the second home for students. Both architects and designers have to study at the university for 5 years, they can either enter for a state-funded place at the university or to pay for their studies. Besides, architects and designers share common traditions. So, senior students arrange a party for freshmen initiation every year. Only the students of these two specialties can attend the event. Themes, colorful costumes, fancy decorations and interesting activities are distinctive features of these parties.

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Love and a craving for fine art are essential for those who are willing to enter these specialties. Future architects and designers draw a lot. Among students and teachers there are a lot of talented artists, including members of the Union of Artists of Belarus: Victor Lukyanenko and Marina Kruglikova.

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Vasilisa Metla. Series of works: Every Day, Every Week. Hide and Run from It, Getting Lost in Dreams. Paper, acrylic 2019
Vasilisa Metla. Series of works: Every Day, Every Week. Now Wake Up – Something Will Meet Your Eyes in the Morning. Paper, acrylic 2019
Vasilisa Metla. Series of works: Every Day, Every Week. (to Prepare for the Life of Another Day, Become the Center of the Circle). Paper, acrylic 2019


Future architects and designers are not only excellent at drawing. They sing, learn foreign languages, do theater, dance, organize events and other activities, participate in competitions, workshops and hackathons.

Victoria Sysoi, a 4th-year student and future designer, manages to combine her studies in the specialty with an active university life. Victoria is the chairperson of the Student Council of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, she manages the work of the student community of the faculty, is engaged in choreography and in the work of student brigades at PSU. She came to Polotsk State University from Minsk and believes that she made the right decision:

“When applying, I was looking for a specialty for creative people. I graduated from school with an artistic bias, so I considered the specialties “Design” and “Architecture”. I have a humanitarian mindset, so I decided on design. In the choice between Minsk and Polotsk, Polotsk won. When I came here, I liked the atmosphere of a small and cozy city. The university has good facilities, beautiful rooms and recreation caught my eye. I don’t regret that I’ve chosen PSU. It is easy to find a common language with young lecturers and receive advice; classrooms are well equipped, including computer classes, which is important for my specialty. Even at the university you can show yourself in different spheres, there are many opportunities for self-realization: there are associations, student studios and organizations for everyone. For me, the student brigade movement has become such self-realization, thanks to which students can earn extra money in summer in Belarus and other countries, travel, meet like-minded people and participate in events”.

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Architects and designers cannot underestimate the impact of the environment on humans. With their own hands they create spaces that are comfortable for stay and work. Such a space was the Center for Urbanism and Design, created by gifted and creative students and teachers of the department. All this gives children the opportunity to discuss and implement projects, get inspired, communicate with like-minded people, create new ones.

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At the Centre, students organize literary evenings, invite guests and speakers to exchange experiences, make presentations, watch films and just talk. The Center helps students prove themselves in various types of activities: they became the initiators of “VuzEcoFest” at PSU. They made birdhouses, planted trees, held a free market and a hand-made fair, where they could share their work with all participants.

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Besides, students held a workshop “Ideas for the City” at PSU for those people who care about Novopolotsk and want to make it better. The participants developed and discussed their projects. Maybe the citizens will admire new objects in the city thanks to such workshops.

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Arthur Rimovich, a 4th-year student of the specialty “Architecture”. Arthur takes the future profession seriously and proudly says that he will be an architect:

“The spatial possibilities of architecture are enormous. The possibilities of an architect, as a person who creates, are enormous. Having chosen architecture, you sign permission to change your consciousness. Your world is turned upside down, for architecture is not just the erection of four walls. Creating something from scratch in architecture is a complex process, including endless analysis of everything in the world. So, an architect is not just a designer, but a person who, when creating something, must turn to other sciences (philosophy, psychology, sociology), if design requires it. An architect analyzes every millimeter of a person’s life.

Architecture is changing the mind of the person who chose it as a profession. It broadens the mind. Improves you as a person. An architect has the power to change the consciousness of people around with the help of architecture. Obviously, only one thing can be said about the complexity of mastering such a profession as architecture. It is hard work. A herculean task".

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In addition to professional self-realization, Arthur manages to participate in the university choir "INVENTA" and devote time to languages at the Centre for Foreign Languages Study. By the way, instead of the first double class, all interested PSU students can learn languages. In the modern world, in order to be a demanded specialist of the labor market, knowledge of foreign languages is vital for everyone. That is why there is a center at PSU that teaches foreign languages to students of any specialty (and not only students).

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Besides the similarities of these two specialties, one should not forget that a designer and an architect are different professions.



An architect and a designer are different professions nonetheless. Architects are engaged in the design of buildings. They know how, where and from what material to build a building so that it not only stands for a long time, but also meets modern trends and human needs. To the talented architects we owe the existence of the tallest, most bizarre and amazing structures in the whole world. They can be both ideological inspirers and designers, they know everything about materials, constructions and calculations.

Architects know where, how, from what, and at what time frame the building will be built and how it should look outside. The task of the designers of the object-spatial environment (interior) is to take care of what will be inside.

Their area of responsibility is space planning, ventilation, lighting, navigation, decoration, furniture arrangement and much more. Creating a holistic and harmonious internal environment is their goal.

Architects need the mathematical skills necessary for frequent calculations, as well as the aptitude for technical sciences. Designers will need these skills to a lesser extent.

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One of the key differences between these specialties is a difference in the entrance exams. Future architects have to take 3 exams:

  1. drawing (for 6 hours, applicants are to draw a plaster head on an A2-sized sheet of paper using a graphite pencil);
  2. composition (for 4 hours, applicants are to create and depict an artistic and expressive volumetric and spatial composition of geometric bodies);
  3. technical drawing (for 4 hours, applicants are to draw three projections of the axonometric image of a given object on an A3-sized sheet of paper: frontal, horizontal and profile at a scale of 1:1).

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Future designers have to take 2 exams:

  1. drawing (for 6 hours, applicants are to draw a plaster head on an A2-sized sheet of paper using a graphite pencil);
  2. composition (for 6 hours, applicants are to design a plan and perspective of the interior of one of the premises of a residential or public building).

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There are preparatory courses at PSU to enter these creative specialties (after you learn to speak Russian). But it is worth paying attention to the fact that preparatory courses for architects and designers are also different, the same as entrance exams. There are evening and part-time courses, 8-month or short-term paid courses for applicants. The preparatory courses will help you to prepare for entrance exams, get acquainted with future teachers and potential groupmates and have a look at the university learning process from the inside with your own eyes.

More information about preparatory courses for future architects and designers can be found by calling +375 214 59-95-12, +375 214 50-58-34.

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How Do I Enter Polotsk State University?

In case of any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Faculty for International Students
address: 29 Blokhin str., Novopolotsk, room 260
telephone: +375 (214) 50-57-62, +375 29 798-09-09
e-mail: ,


Maria Savchenko
Photos: psu.by, students’ archives