The Centre for Foreign Languages Study at Polotsk State University continues providing club meetings. On October 19, 2018 the first Grammar Club took place at PSU. One could learn everything about English grammar there and put their knowledge into practice at once.

As always, the meeting started with a cup of aromatic tea and a welcoming speech of Olga Zhuravskaya. It was very easy to get into the spirit of pleasant and fruitful work. In a friendly atmosphere, even a complex English grammar seems simple.

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People with different commands of English came to the meeting, but no one was bored. Work in pairs and in groups, individual work, change of tasks, the possibility to show your knowledge, acting skills and ability to solve the problems in a quick and creative way, made the evening really useful and fascinating.

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The moderators never presented the rules as they were written in books. They explained for what a grammar phenomenon was necessary and created situations for the participants to practice the rules in live communication. This way of introducing a rule gave the opportunity to start speaking a foreign language by naturally inserting a grammar construction into the speech. Besides, special attention was paid not only for the situations to be close to reality, but also for the participants to experience positive emotions to remember the material better. 

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The registration for the Grammar Club was opened on Monday, but in the evening of the same day, it had to be closed, because the maximum number of participants was reached. Olga Zhuravskaya supposes that the club is popular due to the participants’ motivation to use any opportunity to practice English and the success of the Speaking Club. The participants could see the moderators’ mastery both in the English language and in creating a warm atmosphere. Now, they do not lose any chance to master their skills in the most suitable environment.

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The popularity of the clubs can be proved by the constant and numerous requests to make them more frequent. However, the schedule remains unchanged: each club will be held once a month. Movie Club was held in the last week of October. The participants could watch films in the original and discuss them there. Besides, Alana Felton, a Fulbright professor, was a special guest at the meeting. She came to Polotsk State University in order to attend the club meeting.

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The Centre for Foreign Languages Study wants to create an initiative group from the course listeners. The group will be able to influence the choice of topics and tasks, bring their creative ideas to real life and organize the meetings. If you want to help, address to the room 350 at the main university campus.

If you want to attend a club meeting, please, follow the news in the Vkontakte group of the Centre for Foreign Languages Study not to miss the registration.

For those, who doubt whether to come or not to come, here are some feedbacks from the participants of the meeting.

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Tatiana Poltorak, Faculty of Finance and Economics: “I liked the meeting very much. It would seem that nothing new could be invented on the topic of, for example, grammar tenses. We learn them every year but they are easily forgotten and it was very useful to refresh them in the memory. Grammar Club exceeded my expectations! The atmosphere was very engaging and I think it will be even more homely in the future.”

 Ashir JemirovFaculty of Law: “Everything was great. I made many friends with a good command of English. I especially liked the fact that you don’t have to sit still, you are engaged to move and play to remember everything better. The moderators are equal to the students, there is no communication boundary and this is the most important thing.”

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Centre for Foreign Languages Study