On April 27, within the framework of the project ‘Friendship without Borders’, a regular meeting of students of gymnasium No. 1 in Novopolotsk with foreign students of Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk was held.

Since Maslenitsa coincided with the strict fast of Ramadan, the meeting had to be postponed. The presentation was changed: earlier, foreign students introduced students to their countries, and this time high school students prepared a presentation ‘My Belarus’ and introduced students from Uzbekistan to national holidays and national cuisine of the Republic of Belarus.

Special attention was paid to Maslenitsa. Following the traditions of the holiday, during the meeting, participants tried pancakes prepared according to different recipes over a cup of delicious tea.

Friendship without borders

This exchange of cultural traditions was not only a way to broaden horizons and get to know new aspects of culture, but also highlighted the importance of mutual respect and understanding the differences between people from different countries. Students from Uzbekistan were interested in learning about Belarusian customs and traditions, and schoolchildren from Belarus had the opportunity to talk about their country and share unique aspects of its culture.

Such events strengthen friendly connection between people of different nationalities and form a tolerant and open attitude to the world. This helps to create a more harmonious and peaceful society where everyone can find a place and be heard.