On September, 6, 2016 the cooperation agreement between Polotsk State University and the Goethe-Institute in Minsk was signed. Within this document both sides intend to realize the project Institute «Early learning of the German language» aimed at the development of creative abilities for preschoolers; broadening of their emotional sphere and social competences in the process of German learning. The representatives of the Goethe-Institute and teachers of the Department of World Literature and Foreign Languages, students of the faculty of History and Philology and preschoolers from Polotsk and Novopolotsk are involved in the project.

Early learning of the German language

During the first stage the students of Polotsk State University of «Roman and German Philology» programme will take part in methodic seminars and trainings which will be organized by the Goethe-Institute. According to the project the students will start their classes since February 2017.

The realization of the project will provide developing of modern international teaching methods of foreign languages and increasing the prestige of pedagogic education. The students of the faculty of History and Philology have a unique opportunity to get additional specialization of early learning of German, develop their professional skills within their basic study. Children and their parents from Polotsk will get acquainted with the study programme «Deutsch mit Hans Hase in Kindergarten» which was successfully approved in many European countries and preschools in Minsk.

The study programme

Project’s supervisors are teachers of the department of World Literature and Foreign Languages O.S. Protas and L.I. Semchenok.

O.S. Protas and L.I. Semchenok

The Department of World Literature and Foreign Languages