Вручение книги об уроженцев Узбекистана, захороненных на территории Беларуси

Вручение книги об уроженцах Узбекистана, захороненных на территории Беларуси
Every Belarusian knows about the rich history of his state, about his exploits during the wars. This story connects the peoples of Belarus and Uzbekistan. These two republics were part of the USSR and for five years both, together with other states, stood up for the defense of their Homeland during the war.
Not only our compatriots died on the territory of Belarus, but also natives of other countries, including Uzbekistan. Polotsk and other cities of our republic keep the memory of the fallen soldiers during the implementation of the Polotsk offensive operation in the summer of 1944. 15 people from among the natives of Uzbekistan, are buried in five mass graves on the territory of Polotsk and Novopolotsk:
  • BM No. 4290 Ekiman
  • BM No. 4251 Gromy
  • BM No. 4252 Fatynovka
  • BM No. 2352 Borovukha-2
  • BM No. 4874 Novopolotsk
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Вручение книги об уроженцах Узбекистана, захороненных на территории Беларуси

Korsak Alesya, Head of the Department of History and Tourism