On March 22, 2011 Faculty of Civil Engineering celebrated its 40th Birthday. The head of the Department of Building Constructions, Dr Yury Popkov, congratulated the students and the lecturers on the Faculty’s Birthday.

The Departments of the Faculty do a great job, the results of which are reflected in the graduates’ achievements. After post-graduate tuition our specialists work in numerous Institutes and Academies of the Republic of Belarus and abroad (Libya, Nepal, Syria, Israel, etc.).

The research work consists mainly of 2 parts – documentation development and applied research. A great attention is paid to the questions of civil constructions safety (including both the existing ones and the constructions that are being projected). The students’ research work is inseparable from that of the lecturers’ and after-graduates’.

Mr Popkov wished the lecturers and the students of the Faculty high achievements in all undertakings, optimism and good mood.