On March 23, Polotsk Collegium opened its doors for the future students, who want to get to know the university's specialties better, to feel the dynamics of the student’s life and to find out everything they need about admission.

The Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law

Holding an Open Day is very important both for the university and for future students. Applicants can not only get acquainted with the curricula, faculties and teachers, but also directly ask questions to representatives of organizations that order personnel. All this will help them make a more informed decision about choosing a university and specialty.

Representatives Guests

Representatives of organizations (photo 1). Guests (photo 2)

The admission campaign 2024 in higher education institutions is the focus of the attention of applicants and their parents now. For more information, a briefing was organized in the concert hall of Polotsk Collegium with the participation of the rector of the university, Yuri Romanovsky.

Yuri Romanovsky (photo 1). Briefing (photo 2)

Then, the guests explored numerous interactive platforms of the specialties that demonstrated important aspects of the educational process. Within the framework of an Open Day, applicants who want to build a career in a certain field did not miss the chance to receive information from potential employers. They learned about internship opportunities and collaborations with companies, and also received advice from professionals on better preparation for a future career.

Open House Day

Many applicants remained motivated, strengthening their decision to enroll in their chosen specialty and faculty. All this created an atmosphere of trust and understanding between future students and university representatives.

Open House DayOpen House Day

Open House Day

Ivan Antonov, a student of Gymnasium No. 4 in Vitebsk: ‘I plan to enroll in the specialty ‘Electric Power Industry and Electric Engineering’. After visiting the interactive platforms, I have only positive impressions. The opportunity to ask employers questions about future work helps a lot to make a decision on the choice of faculty and specialty. I am sure that Polotsk University will be a great place to study.

Daria Kozlova, a student at Kokhanovichi Secondary School: ‘I came to Polotsk for an Open Day, because I was interested in this particular university. I have studied quite a lot of information on the Internet and I can say that my expectations have been confirmed. I'm also thinking of taking part in the festival of humanities. Now I plan to enroll in the specialty ‘Romance and Germanic Philology’, as I am fond of foreign languages and want to develop in this field.

Ivan Antonov Daria Kozlova

Ivan Antonov (photo 1). Daria Kozlova (photo 2)

Holding an Open Day at Polotsk Collegium is also an excellent opportunity to discover the history of the glorious educational traditions of Polotsk land, which were described in detail by the excursion programme prepared by the university's touristic center.

An Open Day was not complete without entertainment. The photo zone, live communication with students, as well as memorable prizes and gifts left a pleasant impression of the time spent at the university.

Excursion Programme

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