“GURU” Club meetings use a large variety of approaches to help the international students of Polotsk State University to master their Russian language, start speaking fluently and overcome their shyness. Spring has brought the reason for a new meeting outside the campus. That’s why Svetlana Ponimashchenko, senior lecturer at the Department of Slavonic Philology, organized a mini-tour around Polotsk for the students to learn more about its history and sights.

The excursion started at the monument to Vseslav Bryachislavich where the participants learnt about its legend. In addition, they were informed that this monument is the first equestrian statue in Belarus.

otkr polotsk dlya inostr 1The rout ran through the Krasny Most (Red Bridge), which is one more attraction of Polotsk. The bridge got its name for the bloody battle during the war of 1812.

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The next destination was at the monument to Euphrosyne of Polotsk, the first Belarusian enlightener. The students were listening to the story of her life with great interest. They learnt that Euphrosyne refused to marry, went to a convent, where she was copying books, supervising the building of Monasteries and patronizing arts. Moreover, Euphrosyne lives in the memory of our nation and is honoured by the Orthodox and the Catholic churches.

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A mini version of an Eiffel Tower has appeared in Polotsk recently. It has already become one of the citizens’ and tourists’ favourite places to take photos.

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Later, the students went to the Liberty Square in Polotsk to see the monument to heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812. They were very impressed. The monument location was determined by Emperor Nicholas I, who ordered to install a monument in honour of the liberation of Polotsk.

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Of course, the tour participants couldn’t but visit Polotsk College, the pride of our city and university.

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The last destination was at Saint Sophia Cathedral that had been built in the middle of the XI century. Its appearance, however, has changed significantly since then.

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Near the Cathedral, Boris stone with a text written by the order of Polotsk duke Boris Vseslavich that reigned in the beginning of the XII century attracted the students’ attention.

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Berdymyrat Dadebayev (1st-year student, Faculty of Law): “I would like to note that we liked the excursion very much. It has been a memorable experience. Besides having a great time, we have learnt about the attractions of this unforgettable city. Picturesque landscapes, monuments, statues and a number of other things will remain in my memory forever. I’d like to visit such places more often and learn new information about them”.

Maksat Khudaiberenov (1st-year student, Faculty of Law): “I’d like to thank Svetlana Ponimashchenko for the opportunity to visit the sights of Polotsk. We walked around the city and saw numerous monuments and sculptures. In addition, we have learnt the history of the city itself. We have had a god time and would like to walk around Polotsk one more time. It is wonderful that we have an opportunity to make new memorable moments”.

Ogulbayram Annaorazova (1st-year student, Faculty of Finance and Economics): “The tour around Polotsk has been very informative. I haven’t known that there are such places as the Liberty Square, Krasny Most (Red Bridge), Saint Sophia Cathedral and Boris Stone. I’ve learnt much about the history. The weather was fine and we had a good rest”.

Makhri Atayeva (1st-year student, Faculty of Law): “Everything was really interesting for me. I’ve learnt plenty of new things. I’ll definitely send the photos for my parents and friends to see where we have been”.

Atageldy Atageldyiev (1st-year student, Faculty of Finance and Economics): “There were few of us but nevertheless the tour was given. I enjoyed it. We visited fascinating places. I was especially impressed by Saint Sophia Cathedral that could be seen far and wide”.

Polotsk still holds quite a few interesting things in store. We are glad to show our homeland to the guests! Let’s have a walk and expand the world boundaries together!

Svetlana Ponimashchenko, senior lecturer at the Department of Slavonic Philology