On April 22, 2013, the Faculty of Finance and Economics celebrated its Birthday. Traditionally Faculty’s Day celebrating began with student’s festive parade in front of the new building.

The Dean of the Faculty Natalia Belorusova and the Heads of the Departments congratulated students on that wonderful holiday. There was a festive flash mob. Students gathered together in one big flower, where each speciality formed a petal and lecturers were in the core.

The Faculty of Finance and Economics Day - Natalia Belorusova

The Faculty of Finance and Economics Day - A flash mob

At 15.00 holiday concert “Disco 90s” was held in the assembly hall. During the concert songs of the specified time period were presented by students of the Faculty.

The Faculty of Finance and Economics Day - A holiday concert “Disco 90s”

The Faculty of Finance and Economics Day - A holiday concert “Disco 90s”

While the jury summed points and signed diplomas student of gr. “09- ЭП” Yulia Makarenko and vocal studio “Energy” congratulated favorite faculty on its Birthday.

Each team received a diploma in any nomination:

  • “I’m not a magician, I’m just learning” – gr. “12-ЛГ-1” (“Oops, I did it again”);
  • “Together we are strong” – gr. “11-ЭП” (“It’s my life”);
  • “Energy” – gr. “12-ЛГ-2” (“Tulu-la”);
  • “Economic glamour” – gr. “10-БК-1” (“Masha Doll”);
  • “NEW LOOK” – gr. “10-ФК-1” (“Faina”);
  • “Best Direction” – gr. “10-ЭП” (“Michael Jackson”);
  • “Originality” – gr. “11-ЛГ” (“Eternal Love”);
  • “Dancing 100%” – gr. “11-МН” (“Everybody”);
  • “Positive” – gr. “11-ФК” (“Sailor”).

Thanks to fans efforts People’s Choice Award went to gr. “11-ЭП”.

3rd place – gr. “10-ФК-2” (“Sub-lieutenant”);

The Faculty of Finance and Economics Day - Sub-lieutenant

2nd place – gr. “10-БК-2” (“Hutoryanka”);

The Faculty of Finance and Economics Day - Hutoryanka

1st place – gr. “12-ФК” (“American boy”).

The Faculty of Finance and Economics Day - American boy