The results of the Annual Open Regional Contest for the prizes of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee for talented young scientists and specialists have been summed up.
The contest is held in order to stimulate the scientific activities of young scientists and specialists engaged in progressive scientific research and development in organizations of the Vitebsk region. Every year scientists of Polotsk State University take an active part in this contest.
According to the competitive section «Fundamental research», the winner was:
  • Anna Mikhajlova – Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law, Master of Law Sciences, for the work «Ecological and legal status of legal entities engaged in economic activity».
According to the competitive section "Applied research and development" for the best development in economy and thrift, the winner was:
  • Sergej Portianko - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Technology and Equipment of Machine-Building Industry, Secretary of the Council of Young Scientists of Polotsk State University, for the work «Modeling of block-modular end mills based on 3D design and printing».
Congratulations to our talented young scientists on the award. We wish them further creative success.

Irina Buraia, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work