Tribute to the fallen heroes at the crash place of the IL-2 attack aircraft. Military personnel lay flowers

Tribute to the fallen heroes at the crash place of the IL-2 attack aircraft. Military personnel lay flowers
On Defenders of the Fatherland Day it has already become a good tradition to pay tribute to the fallen heroes at the crash place of the IL-2 attack aircraft.
Today, student activists under the leadership of Svetlana Volochnik, the chairman of the students' trade union committee, and guests of the university from military branch 5530 and 2034 laid flowers and remembered the names of the fighters who gave their lives FOR OUR VICTORY!
Student activists under the leadership of Svetlana Volochnik, the chairman of the students' trade union committee, and guests of the university from military branches 5530 and 2034 Student activists under the leadership of Svetlana Volochnik, the chairman of the students' trade union committee, and guests of the university from military branches 5530 and 2034

Student activists under the leadership of Svetlana Volochnik, the chairman of the students' trade union committee, and guests of the university from military branches 5530 and 2034