On December 5-6, 2017 Belarusian students took part in the trip to the headquarters of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva, Switzerland. WIPO carries out the scientific research in the field of intellectual property rights.

The trip to the headquarters of the WIPO

The Republic of Belarus was represented by Vitaly Vabishchevich (the student studying Science of Law at the Faculty of Law at Polotsk State University) and Margarita Boykacheva (a student at the Faculty of Law at Belarusian State Economic University).

In the meeting all the participants discussed the relevant issues of the intellectual property rights, methods of teaching intellectual property right at the universities of CIS. Also the copyright issues in the epoch of digital technologies, latest changes in the sphere of international legal regulation of the intellectual property relations and others.

The discussion

Students had a unique opportunity to ask questions to Michal Svantner (the Director of the Department for Transition and Developed Countries) and Evgeniy Sesitsky (Program Officer, Department for the countries of Caucasus, Central Asia and Eastern Europe).

Considering the copyright issues

The WIPO program will activate the research work in the field of intellectual property rights among students and will increase traditions for the students at Law Faculty to participate in the international and Republic programs and competitions.