Construction Building and Structures

Construction Building and Structures

Qualification given: Master / Civil Engineer

Faculty: Faculty of Civil Engineering

Department: Department of Constructions, Department of Construction Industry

Study period: full-time – 5 years, заочная (сокращенный срок обучения) - 5 years

The modern world is changing faster than ever before. The construction industry is no an exception. Building materials, structures, and technologies are being improved. Specialists with a high level of professional training, creative thinking, and the ability to work in a team are required in construction sphere. Education in this specialty provides the necessary qualification «civil engineer, master».

Students study all stages of the construction of buildings and structures, from the creation of the project to commissioning. Students acquire skills in creating a virtual three-dimensional model of buildings (Building Information Model). Work with these skills require knowledge about architectural and planning, structural, economic, technological, operational characteristics of the object. Future specialists receive practical training during production practices, which are held on the basis of advanced construction organizations and the best construction teams of the Republic of Belarus.

Construction Building and Structures

Skills and competencies

  • Calculation of building structures
  • Development of an information model of the building
  • Determination of properties and applications of building materials
  • Construction of modern buildings and structures
  • Development of design, organizational and technological documentation
  • Organization of production activities and management of personnel
  • Project management in construction
  • Conducting experimental research on new building structures and materials

Graduate destinations

  • The construction industry of the Republic of Belarus includes more than 4.5 thousand construction organizations and enterprises where civil engineers are in demand.
  • Graduates of this specialty work both in our country and abroad in construction and design organizations, capital construction departments, housing and utilities services, enterprises for the production of building materials and products.
  • Decent wages, favorable opportunities for self-realization and career growth, work in different countries, status in society, interesting projects, the pleasure of contemplating and being proud of modern objects built with their own hands – that's what attracts our applicants.
Construction Building and Structures

Professional activity

  • Graduates of the specialty can be engaged in the development of design and estimate documentation, construction of buildings, reconstruction and operation of industrial and civil facilities.

Technologies of education

  • Classical methods (lectures, seminars, laboratory and practical work)
  • Classes with information and communication technologies
  • Case technologies
  • Peer-to-peer training
  • Project method
  • Brainstorming sessions
  • Interdisciplinary course and diploma projects
  • Research work

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