Utility Networks, Equipment of Buildings and Structures

Utility Networks, Equipment of Buildings and Structures

Specialisation: Heat and gas supply, ventilation and air protection

Qualification given: Master / Building engineer

Faculty: Faculty of Civil Engineering

Department: Department of Heat, Water and Gas Supply, and Ventilation

Study period: full-time – 5 years; заочная сокращенная — 5 years

Modern buildings, regardless of their intended purpose, are densely filled with engineering networks, as they are necessary for a comfortable stay of people indoors. Proper installation of engineering networks is the key to the durability of buildings and their complete safety.

Future specialists study the issues of construction and operation of heat supply systems, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply of residential and industrial facilities, environmental protection from the effects of industrial hazards.

Students practice at large industrial enterprises and design institutes, where they learn to independently develop engineering system projects and analyze the degree of air pollution.

Utility Networks, Equipment of Buildings and Structures

Skills and competencies

  • Design of heat and gas supply systems, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems
  • Choosing the optimal criterion for the development of heat and gas supply systems, heating, ventilation, air conditioning
  • Installation, adjustment, testing, repairing and maintenance of heat and gas supply, heating, ventilation and air conditioning facilities
  • Management of technological processes of heat supply, gas supply, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
  • Development of new structures, equipment and technological processes
  • Training and professional development of personnel
  • Assessment of results, including technical and economic analysis of technological processes and production activities

Graduate destinations

  • Construction organizations
  • Project organizations
  • Housing and utilities services
  • Gas management services
  • Research institutes, secondary and higher educational institutions
  • Enterprises producing construction materials
  • Organizational and managerial departments of any direction
Utility Networks, Equipment of Buildings and Structures

Professional activity

  • Organizational and managerial activity
  • Design and engineering
  • Research activities
  • Production and technological activity
  • Repair and maintenance
  • Installation work
  • Innovative activity

Technologies of education

  • Classical teaching methods (lectures, practical and laboratory work)
  • Training with the help of information and communication technologies
  • Business Game
  • Work in pairs
  • Brainstorming
  • Educational simulators
  • Project method

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