Computer security (mathematical methods and software systems)
Qualification given: information security specialist, mathematician
Study period:  full-time – 4 years
Digitalization made our life more comfortable, but vulnerable also. Any company will go bankrupt if it disables the computer protection for just a few hours. That is the reason for the high demand in specialists who can provide the confidentiality and integrity of information and protect it from being hacked and stolen.
The ability to accomplish such tasks requires fundamental knowledge and skills in the spheres of mathematics, programming, and electronics. Computer Security specialty provides students with such knowledge. Unlike mathematicians, who deal with algorithmic aspects only, or programmers, who are into applied and system programming, graduates of this specialty understand both aspects of computer technology and information security. They possess the knowledge and skills required for protecting the operating system and computer network from malicious software and cyber-attacks.
You will learn
2Computer security
  • to develop plans for organizing, maintaining and improving the efficiency of information security for certain purposes while it’s processed, stored and transferred through information technologies
  • to formulate tasks appearing in a certain case at the moment of securing information
  • to develop mathematic models of phenomena, processes, or systems at the moment of securing information
  • to choose necessary research methods, modify already existing ones, develop new approaches and imply them for solving certain tasks at the moment of securing information
  • to develop, introduce and utilize software and computer means and systems of data protection, control the process of their utilization, elaborate the necessary documentation
  • to evaluate safety of data protection systems
You can work at ?
  • hi-tech park resident companies
  • computer, information, telecommunication organizations
  • departments dealing with the development of new information technologies and data protection software
  • information departments in banks and ministries
Computer security
  • Geometry and Algebra
  • Differential Equations
  • Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
  • Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Logic
  • Operating Systems
  • Cryptographic Methods
  • Computer Networks
  • Operations Research
  • Data Model and Database Control System
  • Computational Approaches in Algebra
  • Functional Analysis and Integral Equations
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Equations of Mathematical Physics
  • Optimization Methods
  • Informational Security Theory
  • Information Security Methods
  • Organizational and Legal Aspects of Information Security