Department of History and Tourism

kafedra istorii turizma


Bachelor’s Degree Programmes

Master’s Degree Programmes

Joint Programmes

  • International educational programme "2+2" for students of specialty 1-89 01 01 "Tourism and Hospitality" with Tajik Technical University named after academician M.S. Osimi
  • International educational programme "2+2" for students of specialty 1-89 01 01 "Tourism and Hospitality" with Andijan State University

Continuing Education

  • 1-26 02 85 Linguistic Support in Tourism

Scientific Activities

Scientific fields

  • Archaeology
  • Ethnography
  • Anthropology
  • Military history
  • Everyday life history

Students’ scientific clubs

  • Archaeological Student Group
  • Polotsk Branch of the Student Ethnographic Society
  • International Search Group "Memory of Generations"
  • Student Association of Volunteer Guides

Seminars, conferences, exhibitions held by the department

  • International Scientific Conference "Belarusian Podvinje: experience, methodology and results of field and interdisciplinary research"
  • Annual Student Scientific Conference of Polotsk State University

Branches of the Department

  • Polotsk National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve

International Partnership

  • Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Belarus)
  • Daugavpils University (Latvia)
  • Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
  • Archaeological Centre of Pskov Region (Russia)
  • Kemerovo State University (Russia)
  • Smolensk State Institute of Art (Russia)
  • State Hermitage Museum (Russia)
  • Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education (Russia)
  • Institute of Anthropology and Ethnography (Russia)
Alesia Korsak
Head of the Department,
PhD in History, Associate Professor
Telephone: +375 214 42 87 07, +375 214 59 95 82
Address: 4 Streletsky Lane, 101, Polotsk, Belarus