Department of World Literature and Foreign Languages

kafedra mlija


Bachelor’s Degree Programmes

Postgraduate Education


  • 1-02 0371 Foreign Language
  • 1-21 06 74 Modern Foreign Language (Specialized Translation)

Joint Programmes

  • Master's Degree Programme in Literary Studies with Termez State University (Uzbekistan)
  • Bachelor's degree programme "Foreign Languages (Russian, English)" with Navoi State Pedagogical Institute

Scientific Activities

Scientific fields

  • Literary Studies
  • Communicative and gender linguistics
  • National literature and its individual representatives in the regional, national, European and world literary, historical and cultural context
  • Comparative literary studies in the regional, national, European and world literary context
  • Folklore and literature in the regional, national, European and world literary context
  • Multilevel analysis of a literary text as a methodological issue
  • National and cultural component in literature and language and the specifics of its teaching
  • Teaching Russian as a foreign language

Scientific School

"Historical and contextual method in the study of world literature" created and developed by Doctor of Philology, Professor A. Gugnin.

Students’ scientific clubs

  • Creative laboratory for the creation of the literary almanac "Литературный объект ИФФ"

Seminars, conferences, exhibitions held by the department

  • International scientific and practical seminar "Cultural ties between France and Belarus in the manuscript heritage of the 18th - early 20th centuries" (6 May 2016)
  • International Scientific Conference "Gender and issues of communicative behavior (27-28 Oct 2016)
  • International Scientific Conference "Revolutions and Civil Wars in World Literature" (26-27 Oct 2017)
  • International seminar "Localization of the user interface and creation of translation scripts" (Leipzig University, PSU, DAAD, 9-13 Sept 2019)
  • International Scientific Conference "World Literature Development: Intersections, Ties, Intermediaries" (15-16 Oct 2020)
  • International scientific and practical seminar "The level concept of Russian language proficiency as a foreign language in the system of Russian and Belarusian higher education"
  • International Scientific Conference "National character and ways of its embodiment in culture and language in a multicultural environment"
  • Annual Student Scientific Conference of Polotsk State University

Branches of the Department

  • State Educational Institution "Polotsk State Gymnasium No. 1 named after F. Skaryna"
  • State Educational Institution "Polotsk School No. 18 named after E. Polotskaia"

International Partnership

  • DAAD: German Academic Exchange Service
  • The Goethe-Institute in Minsk
  • Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Belarus
  • Embassy of the United States of America in Belarus
  • Embassy of Sweden in Belarus
  • Centre for International Studies
  • Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Institute of Art and Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Memsource Company (Czech Republic)
  • Center of Open Education in the Russian Language of Tula State Pedagogical University named after Lev Tolstoy (Russia)

Partnership with universities and higher schools

  • University College of Teacher Education - Carinthia (Klagenfurt, Austria)
  • D'Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy)
  • Stockholm University (Sweden)
  • SRH University Heidelberg (Germany)
  • Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA, USA)
  • University of Arkansas (Fayetteville, USA)
  • Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after N.A. Dobrolyubov (Russia)
  • Termez State University (Uzbekistan)
  • Daugavpils University (Latvia)

International projects

  • Journalistic competition "Polotsk writes for Friedrichshafen" (together with the interregional newspaper of Baden-Württemberg "Sud-Courier", DAAD and the public association "Circle of Friends of Polotsk")
  • Educational and methodological project "Early learning of the German language" (with the Goethe-Institute in Minsk)
  • German Weeks at PSU (with DAAD and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Belarus)
  • Educational project "German Language Teaching" (with D'Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara)
  • Joint project for the study of Swedish and Russian (with Stockholm University)
  • Country studies project "Getting to know our world" (with scientists, graduate students and journalists from Africa, Asia, South America, North America and Europe)
  • Cultural and educational project "NOVA - a look at us" (with Northern Virginia Community College)
Yekaterina Lushnevskaya
Head of the Department,
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor
Telephone: +375 214 42 87 03,
+375 214 45 81 28
Address: 4 Streletskaya Str., Polotsk, Room 201