The Faculty of Humanities is famous for its creative atmosphere and closeness, flexibility and good research schools. All of that constantly attracts talented and motivated students, teachers and researchers.
We offer education that pushes the boundaries of classrooms. Through seminars and scientific expeditions, weeks of culture and volunteering activities we instill humanitarian values, help to understand cultural patterns, teach to build relationships based on hospitability and trust.
We carry out research that opens the past and historical perspectives, helps to communicate in different languages and implies new teaching methods. We use an interdisciplinary approach to share experience and develop new disciplines at the intersection of spheres.
We consider that the main mission of a teacher is not to simply teach, but to teach to study, freely and reasonably express thoughts and ideas, not be afraid of mistakes and seek for offbeat solutions. We are sure to acquire knowledge and preserve values that will guide and back us up.
Major research areas
  • indoor environment quality at higher educational institutions
  • national character and ways of its objectification in a language, literature and culture
  • historical and contextual approach to the study of world literature
  • education quality management in physical culture and sports
  • history and anthropology of the Dvina region in Belarus
Olga Lutkovskaya
Olga Molchanova
Telephone: +375 214 59 95 91, +375 29 719 93 05
Address: 4 Streletskaya Street, 211440 Polotsk, Room 116D
30 Blokhin Street, 211440 Novopolotsk, Room 432
Vitebsk region, Belarus