Artificial Intelligence (Tools and technology for designing intelligent systems)
Qualification given: system engineer
Study period: full-time - 4 years
Artificial intelligence is an innovative, high-tech direction that is in great demand all over the world. At the moment, a lot of gadgets around us have already had artificial intelligence components. Such technologies are being introduced into everyday life more and more. So this dynamically developing area sorely needs qualified specialists.
An artificial intelligence specialist is engaged in the design of intelligent computer systems that can learn new activities and the development of software for solving intellectual problems. By applying machine learning methods and artificial neural network technologies, such specialists create programs that can recognize and interpret different types of data (speech, images), identify hidden trends, make effective predictions, and automate many workflows.
Virtual reality projects, artificial immune systems, information security, computer games, knowledge engineering are unthinkable in the future without the use of artificial intelligence technologies.
You will learn
Artificial Intelligence
  • technologies and tools for designing intelligent information systems for various purposes
  • machine and deep learning technologies, computer vision, network and cloud technologies
  • technologies for the intellectual analysis of large amounts of data, the development of methods for extracting, analyzing and processing information
  • principles of creating analytical, advisory, search and predictive systems, chat bots and intelligent applications
  • machine translation, computer vision, signal processing and natural language algorithms
  • statistical methods, optimization methods, decision-making methods and algorithms
  • intellectual methods of information security, blockchain technology
You can work at
  • development and testing of intelligent information systems for various purposes, search engines
  • big data analysis (Big Data and Data Engineering)
  • fintech industry and business process analysis
  • machine learning and computer vision
  • intelligent data encryption and cybersecurity
  • blockchain and cryptocurrency
  • gaming industry, AR and VR technologies AI development
  • development of intelligent robotic systems and smart systems
  • research centers and educational institutions
Artificial Intelligence