Information technology software
Qualification given: electronic systems engineer
Study period:  full-time – 4 years, part-time – 4 years, distance learning – 5 years
In a world of technology programmers have unlimited opportunities. They can realize their potential through creating a VR-program, new computer game or mobile app. If you want to become a developer, you should obviously choose the Information Technology Software speciality.
Students learn programming languages and master coding skills, make algorithms, test and support software and analyse its architecture. They also learn to work in a team, manage projects, and apply knowledge and skills they’ve acquired through training in IT companies. The graduates of the specialty are ready to create reliable, accessible and fast software used in a wide variety of applications.
You will learn
Information technology software
  • to develop, test, and support software
  • to deploy your software into production
  • to use software development tools and debuggers
  • to design instructions, normalize and certify software
  • to project and develop databases, local and wide area networks
  • to work with artificial intelligence systems
  • to develop mobile apps
  • to code effective algorithms
You can work at ?
  • software development and testing companies
  • IT departments, banking organizations and distribution departments
  • mobile apps development departments
  • gaming industry
  • web-development
  • system programming
  • application development and business software
  • AR and VR technologies
  • Business process analysis
  • data science
  • IT security
  • research centers and educational institutions
Information technology software
  • Algorithmization and Programming
  • Programming Languages
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Structures and Algorithms of Software Data Processing
  • Databases
  • Computer Systems and Networks
  • Software Reliability
  • Object-oriented Programming Technologies and Design Standards
  • Operating Systems and System Programming
  • Software Development Technologies
  • Basics of Information Security
  • Functional Programming
  • Mobile Systems Programming
  • Systems Modeling