Software Engineering

Software Engineering

Qualification given: Bachelor / Engineer-software Developer

Faculty: Faculty of Information Technologies

Department: Department of Software Engineering

Study period: full-time – 4 year

To be a software engineer is prestigious, relevant and informative. By choosing this specialty, you choose the path of continuous professional growth and self-improvement.

Within the framework of the specialty, software developers are trained for various purposes: hardware, system, application, Internet and mobile applications, computer systems and networks, databases, artificial intelligence systems and knowledge bases.

The uniqueness of this specialty is in its versatility. Students study various programming languages and technologies, analyze architecture, create algorithms, test and maintain the created software.

Graduates of the specialty can work in any IT sphere, which is why this specialty is so popular among applicants.

Software Engineering

Skills and competencies

  • software development, testing, maintenance;
  • implementation and maintenance of programs in production;
  • possession of up-to-date tools for the development and debugging of software products;
  • making instructions, standardize and certify software tools;
  • database design and development;
  • work with artificial intelligence systems;
  • mobile application development

Graduate destinations

  • IT companies
  • Banks and financial institutions
  • Automation and control departments at industrial enterprises
  • Educational and scientific institutions

Software Engineering

Professional activity


  • mobile development
  • gaming industry
  • web development
  • system programming
  • AR and VR technologies
  • business process analysis
  • Data Science
  • information security

Technologies of education

Effective innovative forms and methods of work are used in the educational process; new educational technologies are introduced:

  • personality-oriented learning
  • the method of research training
  • problem-design method
  • case methods
  • internships in resource centers
  • using the Google Glassroom, Microcoft Teams, Moodle platform
  • training and production practices together with IT companies
  • interdisciplinary diploma projects

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