Department of Civil Law

Department of Civil Law


Bachelor’s Degree Programmes

Master’s Degree Programmes

  • 7-06-0421-01 Jurisprudence (Legal Support of the Digital Economy and Business Entities)

Continuing professional development

  • Thematic Training Courses «Procurement: a workshop for professionals»


  • 1-24 01 71 Jurisprudence

Scientific activities

Scientific fields

  • Intellectual property
  • Laws of energy

Students’ scientific clubs

  • Private law
  • Comparative law
  • Intellectual property law
  • Sports law

Seminars, conferences, exhibitions held by the department

  • The International Scientific and Practical Conferences «Legal Protection of Intellectual Property: Problems of Theory and Practice»

International Partnership

  • National Center of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Belarus
  • World Intellectual Property Organization
  • Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
Ekaterina Kudryashova
Head of the Department,
PhD in Law
Telephone: +375 214 59 04 01
Address: 4a-1 Mirnaya Street, room С0-09
Novopolotsk, Belarus, 211442