Department of Pipeline Transport and Hydraulics

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Bachelor’s Degree Programmes

Master’s Degree Programmes

  • 7-07-0732-01 Construction Engineering
    Specialization: Construction and Exploitation of Gas and Oil Pipelines, and Gas and Oil Reservoirs

Continuing professional development

  • Construction, exploitation and repair of oil main product pipelines
  • Installation, repair and maintenance at potentially dangerous facilities of main pipelines
  • Electrical and chemical protection of main pipelines
  • Installation, repair of tank farm facilities of the main pipeline transport
  • Pre-certification training of managers and specialists of organizations engaged in the exploitation, construction, repair of oil main product pipelines


  • 1-70 05 71 Designing and operation of gas pipelines
  • 1-70 05 74 Designing, construction and repair of oil pipelines, gas pipelines and gas-, oilstorages
  • 2-70 05 71 Вuilding and operation of gas pipelines

Joint Programmes

  • 1-70 05 01 Designing, construction and exploitation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities with the Technological University of Tajikistan on the "2+2" system

Scientific Activities

Scientific fields

  • Creation of scientific and methodological foundations for the safety of the hydrosphere in case of multiple oil discharges and development of a system for the safety of water facilities in case of emergency oil spills on oil pipelines
  • Reliability of main pipeline transport facilities
  • Creation of waste-free and safe methods of transportation and storage of high-hardening oil products
  • Development of methodology for assessing the safety of main pipeline transport based on new methods of risk analysis in technical regulation in main pipeline transport
  • Development of software systems for determining the parameters of natural gas pumping and optimizing modes of its transportation through main pipelines

Students’ scientific clubs

  • Student Scientific Design and Technology Bureau "AECOS"

Seminars, conferences, exhibitions held by the department

  • "Reliability and Safety of Main Pipeline Transport"

Branches of the Department

  • Manufacturing Department “Polotskgas”, a branch of Unitary Enterprise “Vitebskoblgas”

International Partnership

  • Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (Russia)
  • Ufa State Petroleum Technical University (Russia)
  • Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (Azerbaijan)
  • Riga Technical University (Latvia)
Andrey Kulbey
Head of the Department,
PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor
Telephone: +375 214 59 95 47
Address: 29 Blokhin Street, 207, 214
211440 Novopolotsk