Electronic education tool: Physics. Physical optics. A set of computer models

It is used for the support of the educational process in the section "Physical optics" studied in the XI grade. It also corresponds to the physics study programme for XI grade approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, 2008.

The following computer models are implemented in the EET:

  • Light wave Coherent waves
  • Huygens–Fresnel principle
  • Interference
  • Thin-film interference
  • Thin-film colour
  • Michelson interferometer
  • Optics blooming
  • Diffraction grating
  • Dispersion Optical spectrometer

The electronic education tool is meant to be used by physics teachers for lessons preparation and visualization of complicated events and effects of physical optics for students.


Contact information:

Polotsk State University
Address: 211440, Belarus, Novopolotsk, 29 Blokhin Street
Tel./Fax: + 375 214 53 06 79,
Mobile: +375 29 711 49 55.
Website: www.psu.by.
E-mail: .


Main Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus
Address: 220088, Belarus, Minsk, 59 Zakharov Street
Telephone: + 375 17 294-15-94,
Fax: + 375 17 210-00-99.
Website: www.giac.unibel.by.
E-mail: .