Stamping equipment strengthening technology for furniture fittings production

It is aimed to be applied at enterprises of the mechanical engineering complex that utilise stamping equipment.

Competitive advantages

  • increase in microhardness by 100...300 %
  • increase in resistance to fatigue flaking by 40...250 %
  • increase in wear resistance by 2...10 times
  • the technological process is environmentally friendly
  • the possibility of local processing and processing of parts with complex terrain
  • high performance of processing results
  • compactness and low equipment cost


  • energy of alloyed ions – 1-3 keV
  • ion current density – 1-10 mA/cm2
  • representative temperatures for iron-based alloys – 500-600 К
  • depth of the modified layer reaches 150 μm

Patent protection

The technology of equipment strengthening is protected by patents of the Republic of Belarus



The technological process of ion beam processing of stamping tools was introduced at the JSC "Izmeritel" plant (Novopolotsk).



  • strengthening of the Customer's products on the production basis of the Performers
  • development of the technological process of strengthening related to the Customers conditions
  • joint research work
  • scientific and industrial cooperation

Contact information:

"Polotsk State University"
Nikolai Popok
211440, Belarus, Vitebsk region, Novopolotsk, 29 Blokhin Street
Telephone: +375 214 53 12 65
Fax: +375 214 53 06 79

State scientific institution “Physical-Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”
Aleksei Bely
220141, Belarus, Minsk, 10 Kuprevich Street
Telephone: +375 017 263 86 19