Background information

Research school of local atmosphere regeneration

Year of foundation – 2020
Research school type – scientific research.
Intellectual sphere – engineering science.
The nature of scientific activity:
  • fundamental research
  • applied research
  • scientific and engineering solutions
Fundamental and applied scientific research based on mathematical and computer design of the exothermic dynamics of carbon dioxide chemisorption in the process of air regeneration in self-contained respiratory protective equipment with an oxygen-containing product based on alkali metal superoxides.
The results of the research are scientific developments, optimizing the construction of breathing apparatus and the technology of their equipment with oxygen products. The efficiency of the developments is proved by full-scale experiments on the breathing simulator stand at the Research Institute of Mine Rescue Work "Respirator" and used for creating new generation breathing apparatus for miners and rescue men.
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The founder of the research school is V. Pak, Professor, D. Sc. in Engineering, the Head of the Department of Further Mathematics of Donetsk National Technical University (until 2002). Under the guidance of Professor V. Pak, and in cooperation with the Department of Respiratory Protection of the All-Union Research Institute of Mine Rescue, a number of research works were carried out on this topic. The results of the research were published in peer-reviewed and industrial peer-reviewed journals of the USSR and Ukraine. In 2003 S. Ekhilevsky defended his doctoral thesis under the supervision of V. Pak. The work was devoted to the creation of scientific foundations for improving self-contained breathing apparatus working on constitution oxygen.

The further development of the scientific field is connected to the activities of the members of the research school: S. Ekhilevsky, O. Golubeva, S. Olshannikov, N. Guryeva, E. Potapenko, D. Pyatkin on the optimisation of the mathematical and computer design of the sorption dynamics aimed at improvement of the operating process of breathing apparatus working on constitution oxygen. The field has been developed at PSU since 2004. At the moment, its intellectual core is focused at the Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Information Technologies.

Stepan Ekhilevsky
Stepan Ekhilevsky
D.Sc. in Engineering,
Professor at the Department of Software Engineering
Telephone: +375 214 42 87 41
+375 214 42 19 40
Address: 211400, Belarus, Vitebsk region,
Polotsk, 4 Streletskaya Street,
Room 159 B