Background information

Research school of maintenance and renovation of vehicles

Year of foundation – 2017
Research school type – scientific research.
Intellectual sphere – engineering science.
The nature of scientific activity:
  • fundamental research
  • applied research
  • scientific and engineering solutions
The research school is operating at PSU, Faculty of Mechanics and Technology, Department of Automobiles.
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The founding father of the school is Vladimir Korobko, the head of PSU Department of Mechanics (before 1998), D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, Professor. Such discipline was successfully realized in Ph. D. theses of D. Gegers, L. Spiridyonok, S. Babadzhanov, V. Semyonov. V. Ivanov defended his Ph. D. and Doctor's degree theses in the field of creating scientific foundations for the process design of repair productions. The supervisor - professor V. Korobko.

Further development of the field is connected to the production activities of the members of V. Ivanov, V. Semyonov, A. Kastryuk, A. Krylenko, and their vehicle repair and diagnosis research school.

The field is developed since the foundation of the Department of Automobiles in 2008.

Vladimir Ivanov
Vladimir Ivanov
D.Sc. in Engineering,
Professor at the Department of Automobiles
Telephone: +375 214 59 95 39
+375 29 646 29 10
Address: 211440, Belarus, Vitebsk region,
Novopolotsk, 29 Blokhin Street,
Room 201 (mechanical campus)