On November 10, 2017 the Centre for Chinese Language and Culture was solemnly opened at Polotsk State University. This event has become a significant result within the framework of the Cooperation, signed in April 2017, between two university-partners – Polotsk State University and Belarusian National Technical University. The project is aimed at the development of professional education in the field of Chinese language and culture teaching, enhancing cooperation, friendship and mutual understanding between the Republic of Belarus and People’s Republic of China.

The solemn opening of the Centre for Chinese Language and Culture

Opening of the Centre for Chinese Language and Culture

For the past few months teachers and students of our university have already started to get acquainted with rich Chinese culture. They participated in calligraphy and traditional tea ceremony master classes, got acquainted with musical folklore, the art of wushu and folk dance of the People’s Republic of China. In spring 2017 the delegation of Polotsk State University visited the IInd Association Forum of Scientific and Technological Parks and Areas of High and New Technologies «Silk Road» to discuss Education without boarders and to exchange scientific results; took part in the opening ceremony of the IIIrd International Competition of Scientific and Technical Translation of the China-Belarus Industrial Park within the framework of One Belt and One Road Initiative.

PSU students at the opening of the Centre for Chinese Language and Culture

This autumn student at PSU have taken part in the section «Cooperation between Belarus and China in a humanitarian sphere» within the framework of the IVth Belarus-China Youth Innovation Forum «New Horizons – 2017» that was carried out on the base of the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus on November 2-3.

Since October more than 60 people – the university staff, teachers, students and pupils – have started learning Chinese at Polotsk State University. The classes are held by highly-skilled specialists – Li Zhonghua and Liu Jiqiang.

The Centre opening was attended by the delegation of Belarusian National Technical University:

  • Georgy Vershina – First Vice-Rector at BNTU;
  • Li Wenhua – Secretary for Education at the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Belarus;
  • Vitaly Gorbash – Director of the Confucius Institute of Science and Technology at BNTU (Belarusian side)
  • Liu Yuying – Director of the Confucius Institute of Science and Technology at BNTU (Chinese side);
  • Marina Tsyves – Deputy Director of the Confucius Institute of Science and Technology at BNTU;
  • Liu Hechen – Associate Professor, a specialist for tai chi of Northeastern University (Shenyang, China);
  • Maksim Artishevsky – head of the wushu section at BNTU;
  • Svetlana Dobizhi – head of the Centre for Chinese language and culture at Belarusian State Agricultural Academy

The delegation of Belarusian National Technical University

Svetlana Vegera, First Vice-Rector at PSU, Professor, Doctor in Economics, started the solemn opening ceremony with a welcome speech: «On April 29, 2017 the Cooperation Agreement between Polotsk State University and Belarusian National Technical University was signed within the framework of the Confucius Institute of Science and Technology at BNTU. As a result we’ve got an opportunity to offer Chinese language learning for our students, teachers and staff of Polotsk State University. At the moment there are several groups, more than 60 people. We hope that this cooperation will be developed.

Svetlana Vegera

China is a country with a great history and great culture. At this moment every fifth person in the world speaks Chinese. We have a friendly, beneficial cooperation, wonderful relations between our countries. It means that the demand on the specialists, who speak Chinese, will increase. This direction is very important and perspective for our university. We express our interest in the development of this direction and hope that we’ll have many interesting and beneficial project on our way».

During the opening ceremony our guests underlined the significance of such an important event and also expressed their interest in the further perspective and successful cooperation with Polotsk State University.

Georgy Vershina, First Vice-Rector at BNTU: «I’m very glad to visit such an event. I have always been sure that any specialist must know at least one foreign language – English, German, Chinese, for example. Nowadays the Industrial Park Great Stone is developing. It is a joint project of Belarus and China that requires specialists of all levels: from translators to engineers, economists and lawyers. Our universities prepare best specialists for that.

The Confucius Institute of Science and Technology at BNTU has some practical results. This year students at BNTU can choose any language they want to learn, including Chinese. Our students, master and postgraduate students, who develop different projects, start-ups, have an opportunity to get an assessment of their research activity in the Scientific and Technological Park. It can give a possibility to have a high salary and career prospects in the future. We’ll try to broaden the work in this direction – for example, direct financing of scientific and innovative developments. One of good examples can be the health care system of our Chinese colleagues that is very systematized. The Confucius philosophy describes it in detail, if there is a right approach to the system of physical education, system of culture learning, its development. All our creative groups are engaged in this approach. We are always glad to share the experience with you! Good luck!»

Georgy Vershina

Li Wenhua, Secretary for Education at the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Belarus: «Creation of this Centre is an important practical result of the Cooperation between two partner universities. The Chinese language learning opens new opportunities and prospects for our students in their professional future in spite of the chosen programme.

Li Wenhua

At the moment there are 1073 Confucius Institutes and 515 Confucius classes in 140 countries. The Confucius Institute of Science and Technology at BNTU is the only Confucius Institute of Science and Technology in the world. Each year Confucius Institutes and classes carry out different cultural events, including seminars and workshops on Chinese culture. The education and culture do not have any boarders. The connection of our cultures is one of the most important peculiarities for enhancing friendship. Our countries strengthen the cooperation in all spheres, including culture, education. The youth of both countries is also getting closer to each other. PSU and BNTU have signed the Cooperation Agreement for the development of professional relations in the field of education within the framework the Confucius Institute of Science and Technology, also enhancing cooperation, friendship and mutual understanding between the Republic of Belarus and People’s Republic of China.

The Department for Education of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Belarus supports in teaching Belarusian in China and teaching Chinese in Belarus. I hope that more and more students at PSU will be interested in Chinese culture, Chinese language and enhancing friendship between the youth of both countries».

Liu Yuying, Director of the Confucius Institute of Science and Technology at BNTU (Chinese side): «We would like to congratulate you with the opening of the Centre for Chinese language and culture. It is a very important event for us – the Confucius Institute of Science and Technology at BNTU – and PSU. I really appreciate the Centre opening here, at Polotsk State University. I think that in this city there are people who want to learn Chinese, get acquainted with China and Chinese culture. We will be glad to help them because our mission is directed at spreading Chinese culture and teaching Chinese language all over the world.

Liu Yuying

We want to make a contribution on developing of the cooperation between China and other countries in the field of science and technology. We also carry out the international exam HSK for distinguishing Chinese language proficiency among those people who study it as a foreign one.

I have only good impressions about your university and the whole opening ceremony. This spring we have already held several master classes on calligraphy and tea ceremony. I hope that with the support of your Centre for Chinese language and culture we will carry out some other events in the field of education and science in the future».

Liu Yuying also presented a short video about the activity of the Confucius Institute of Science and Technology at BNTU.

Vitaly Gorbash, Director of the Confucius Institute of Science and Technology of BNTU (Belarusian side): «The Confucius Institute of Science and Technology at BNTU was officially established on October 21, 2014. It is the youngest Confucius Institute in our country.

Our Institute is specific because the major fields of its activity are science and technology. We try to carry out all our events and the study process according to this specific direction. Also we hold many cultural and sports events.

Vitaly Gorbash

We have our own achievements that are connected with the events in the field of science and technology. For example a week ago there was the IVth Youth Innovation Forum «New Horizons – 2017». It is a joint project between Belarus and China. It is quite popular among students, master and postgraduate students from different universities in Belarus and China. It is great! One more brand event is a competition for Chinese language translators. We have already carried out three competitions.

It is great that today we are visiting such an important event as the opening of the Centre for Chinese language and culture at Polotsk State University. This is the 10th Centre in our country. We’ve also signed five agreements during the Youth Innovation Forum.

Today a specialist from Northeastern University (Shenyang, China) is visiting the solemn opening ceremony. The Northeastern University is one of the best and leading technical universities in China. It is our partner, and we are very proud of it. The master will hold a master class on wushu. It is his second visit, and we’ve signed the agreement aimed at the development of the sport field. Today we’ve also met with Denis Kondakov (Dean of Humanities Faculty at PSU). We’ve discussed prospects for the development and cooperation in the sport field. Of course, we are planning to cooperate with your university in the field of science».

Liu Hechen, Associate Professor and specialist for tai chi of Northeastern University (Shenyang, China) told about the peculiarities of the traditional Chinese culture, where Chinese «wushu» is one of the oldest kinds of the Eastern martial arts.

Liu Hechen

In the presentation Liu Hechen thanked the audience for the attention and expressed the hope for the further achievements and cooperation between our universities and countries: «I really like your old city with its rich history. Due to such events Belarus and China develop their culture and traditions together. The Confucius Institute of Science and Technology at BNTU has already showed good results. I hope that PSU can establish good relations with Chinese partners and our Northeastern University in China. Within the framework of One Belt and One Road Initiative we strengthen our health and develop our culture. I think that there will be more successful results in the future due to our cooperation».

After the opening ceremony our guests had an excursion around Polotsk College where they visited the Centre for Chinese language and culture, had a look at the modern design.

At that time the wushu master class was carried out and all its participants could get acquainted with the traditional Chinese culture and master some peculiar things from this kind of art.

Wushu master class

Acquaintance with the traditional Chinese culture

During the second part of the visit our guests attended the presentation of the Belarusian language and culture summer school «Open Belarus in Polotsk». The heads of the Centre for Belarusian language and culture – Svetlana Liasovich (Associate professor at the Department of World Literature and Foreign Languages) and Natalia Apanasovich (Senior Teacher at the Department of World Literature and Foreign Languages) – have shared their experience about the summer school activities and have told about the possibilities that this summer school opens for all the participants.

Presentation of the Belarusian language and culture summer school

China is the country with its own traditions, mythology, philosophy, literature and art. Chinese language learning opens new opportunities and prospects for students in the professional future in spite of the chosen programme.

Opening of the Centre for Chinese Language and Culture

You can find detailed information about the program at the Department of Economics, Management and Economic Theory:

Contact person – Inga Zenkova

Novopolotsk, 29 Blokhin Street, Room 122

+375 (214) 59-95-54
